Gym Fit at Home
CSoG has developed many
strong champion winning tumblers
who have graced the international stage
Gymnastics is a sport that provides the opportunity to build the
foundations unique to each individual and offers opportunities for
anyone to get involved throughout their lifetime. Gymnastics benefits
all individuals engaged, by evolving not only their physical
competence but their confidence and motivation for life.
There’s always something for everyone with Carmarthenshire
School of Gymnastics.
We want to ensure more children, young people and adults
from all backgrounds, abilities and communities can become
involved with gymnastics. There is a diversity of disciplines
on offer; whether it’s performance disciplines, pre-school,
adult, recreational or schools and disability programmes –
there is something on offer for everyone.
This programme is intended to help retain a young
gymnasts fitness, strength and flexibility at home.
A structured fitness
routine to help build
a gymnasts’
strength at home!
More about ‘Gym-Fit at Home’…
Our ‘Gym-Fit’ range of videos, provide an excellent platform to help your child
build not only body strength, but also increase flexibility.
They are easy to follow and instruct your child step-by-step, so they are able
to perform the exercise task, easily within the comfort of their own home.
The key benefit is that it helps us as coaches to focus on technique and
delivery and not use the class session on fitness.
A Sample activity task Card
Just some samples of our
young gymnasts using
Gym-Fit at home … ‘it’s fun!’
Where would you like to go next?
Our Address:
Cross Hands Shopping Centre, Cross Hands, Llanelli SA14 6NT